by SVFX Animation Studio | Dec 13, 2015 | 2D Animation, Graphic Design, info graphcis
What Blue Color Mean Graphic Design

What Blue Color Mean Graphic Design:
Blue Color Represents Sky and Sea and is associated with Freedom, Imagination, Inspiration, Stability, Faith, Intelligence, Confidence.
Too much Blue brings out negativity, sadness.
Too Little can bring our suspicion, depression.
Blue Color Positively affect of mind and body. blue is the color of spirit, it can produce chemicals in body which are used to calm human body.
color code of Blue is #0000FF
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What Purple Color Mean Graphic Design

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by SVFX Animation Studio | Dec 3, 2015 | Graphic Design, info graphcis, Photoshop Work, svfx Photoshop Work, Tutorial
What Purple Color Mean Graphic Design
#purplecolor #graphicdesign

What Purple Color Mean Graphic Design:
purple is the combination of clam stability of blue color and fierce energy of red color , some characterstics of purple color are royalty, sophistication, notability, mystery, spirituality, luxury.
Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic.
The color purple is a rare occurring color in nature and as a result is often seen as having sacred meaning. Lavender, orchid, lilac, and violet flowers are considered delicate and precious.
Too much use of purple brings out qualities of irritability, impatience, and arrogance, too little purple brings out feelings of powerlessness, negativity, and apathy.
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What red colors mean – logo design
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by SVFX Animation Studio | Nov 29, 2015 | Graphic Design, info graphcis, Photoshop Work, svfx, svfx Photoshop Work, svfx works
What red colors mean – logo design

What red colors mean logo design – A part of the warmer color family, primary color red is a strong, emotionally intense color.
Studies show that a products color has a 60 – 80 percent influence over a customers purchasing decision.
Some characteristics of red color:
Naturally enhancing the metabolic rate in people, it has also been shown to increase respiration rates and blood pressure when people are exposed to it. It’s used in traffic systems a lot (think road signs and traffic lights) as red is a high-visibility color which has plenty of impacts.
What is interesting about red is how it has two almost-direct opposite associations: love and war. Due to red being is known as a high-impact color that often represents danger, it’s also associated with many memorable war images. However, red is known quite heavily for love and matters of the heart – with varying shades of red (from stronger, darker colors to lighter variations such as pink) being heavily associated with Valentine’s Day in Western culture.
In other cultures, red has completely different meanings. In China, red is associated with both prosperity and happiness, as well as being a symbol of good luck. In India, red represents purity and is then often used as a color used in many weddings. However, in South Africa red is the color used most in mourning.
When using red, it’s often wise to use it more as an accent color than a focal color for the whole of a website. While in some situations it works well as the main focal color, most of the time using too much red in a design can cause feelings of irritation, agitation, and even anger. However, using too little red can also create a feeling of cautiousness and manipulation.
Owing to these two extremes, it can be quite difficult using red to build the right balance. However, using red as an accent color – particularly on features that you want to enhance or make particular note of, such as buttons or other elements that push a user to make a decision – can be quite effective.
By svfx animation studio
by SVFX Animation Studio | Oct 22, 2015 | Graphic Design, SVFX Quotes, svfx works

enjoy the victory of truth over evil.
AN AUSPICIOUS day to start with any good work,
it was today that good won victory over bad,
may this day clear all hurdles of your life and
start new era of well being ” Happy Dussehra”May this dusara, light up for you.
the hopes of happy times, and dreams for a year full of smiles
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by SVFX Animation Studio | Oct 20, 2015 | Graphic Design, Photoshop Work, Social Media Marketing, SVFX Quotes
Best Leader

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Great thought about who is a great leader.
1000-Year-old source of Chinese wisdom, Lau TZU, the ancient philosopher, once said.
“A Leader is best when people barely know he exists.
of a good leader, who talks little,
when his work is done,
His Aim Fulfilled, They will Say,
We DiD this ourselves”
Best Leader
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