NISSAN Altima Wouldn’t It Be Cool
-took hundreds of CAD model pieces and created a single empty, water-tight shell of entire car for Houdini shatter sim
-worked on look dev for shatter pattern
-adjusted environment model
-cleaned and organized many pieces from engine Cad
-remodeled various gears based on sim requirements
-remodeled wheel rim based on fx sim requirements
-modeled key fob pieces
-worked on track modeling and layout
-modeled mangled/destroyed tracks
-Modeled the scaffolding environment
-Animated the falling newsstand, swaying overhead scaffolding and spotlights
-Modeled scaffolding environment
-modeled and textured sets using camera projection: Office, Kitchen, shot002 Kitchen, 2 front stands in the grocery store
BUDWEISER Bridge: (SuperBowl 44)
-Textured shirts, pants, skirts, faces, hair, and accessories for 3D people
-Assisted modeling shirts, pants, skirts, heads, and hairstyles
-Created normal maps for all clothing and hair
-Modeled and textured Mushrooms, modeled Star
-Modeled and textured dancing flowers, modeled sign
NISSAN Pathfinder Wouldn’t It Be Cool
-took hundreds of CAD model pieces and created a single empty, water-tight shell of entire car for Houdini shatter sim
-modeled hero rim
-Modeled all elements
-Modeled all elements
-Modeled all elements
-remodeled car body for sim
LG Rocket Car:
-Modeled and textured rocket car
-Modeled/textured avatar characters (wearing multi-faced helmets,) all traffic, various buttons, and signs, assisted with matte painting placement
BEN & JERRY’S Cores:
-modeled hundreds of fluid geyser models with keyed visibility for a stop-motion animation, matched reference of soda exploding frame by frame
JIM BEAM Red Stag:
-Deer design, development, and modeling.
-Building layout
-Modeled and textured bottle and shot glass
IKEA Mattress:
-Modeled Bed frame, mattresses, linens and every prop in the room for projection texturing and lighting
CIF Cinderella:
-Modeled entire bathroom and Cinderella’s feather skirt
-Modeled and textured British Pound Note birds
NINTENDO Mario Wii Ice World:
-Modeled Penguin, Snow Clock, Snowflakes, Mushroom
-Modeled house siding, porch pieces, roof pieces, porch plants, railing, lamps
NY LOTTERY Little Bit Of Luck
-textured 5 different faces for heads used in the crowd
FORD Puppets:
-Modeled dog and old woman puppets, car cables, building shutters and cinema marquee
-Textured old woman, 2 young women outfits, pigeons, building shutters
-Modeled and animated previs
The elephant gas mask on the title was an asset created for a canceled pitch that I modeled and textured. The mask is based on a real-life piece by artist Tom Banwell.
I am a 3D artist working in NYC.
Software used: Maya, Mudbox, ZBrush, Photoshop
Song: A tout an l’heure by Bibio
3D Modeling/Texturing Commercial Reel 2013 from Alek Vacura